Situated at 2635 meters, Lake Perrin lies in a natural basin poised between the valley that descends toward Cuneaz and the Crest, on the one hand, and the one that welcomes the village of Mascognaz on the other. A summer destination for hikers and winter destination for ski mountaineers, this place is an incredible natural lookout that allows you to admire the nearby Testa Grigia and, behind it, the Lyskamm, Castor, Pollux and Breithorns.
Val d'Ayas
Lago Perrin, in equilibrium among mountain peaks
Practically suspended between rocky peaks and soft slopes, Lake Perrin is a placid body of water with incredible views of the peaks of Monte Rosa
By: Comune di Ayas
Altitude: 2635 m
11020 Ayas (AO), 11020 Ayas AO