A spruce forest, an underbrush of juniper and heather, a small bubbling stream, incredible views of Monte Rosa, and, along the trail, a collection of wood carvings created by the valley's most famous wood artists. Plan Villy is not just a picnic area a short walk from the center of Champoluc, it is an oasis of nature, sport and art, framed by one of the most beautiful views in the Alps. In summer, the area is enhanced by a children's playing area, a beach volleyball court, paintball, an earthen pump-track for bike enthusiasts, and the Lo Sayoc bar; all within walking distance of the Monte Rosa SPA Center.
Val d'Ayas
Plan Villy, the oasis of Champoluc
A short walk from the center of Champoluc, the ski lifts and the Monte Rosa SPA Center, an area in which to breathe in all the atmosphere of Monte Rosa
By: Comune di Ayas
Altitude: 1500 m
Rue de la Traversa 23, 11020 Ayas (AO), 11020 Plan Villy AO
From €5.00